Monday 26 November 2012

To What extent are your chosen texts typical of their genre?

Q. To What extent are your chosen texts typical of their genre?

A. Film Noir is a hybrid of three genres; Film Noir, Horror and classic comic book. A classic convention of Film Noir is the use of voice over. In Sin City, the main protagonists tell the story and tell the scenes. This means the story is told from their perspective, therefore the camera is also shot through the view of the male protagonist. This means the femme fatal's body is excentuated and focused upon, as it is being seen through the eyes of the male protagonist. This is evidence to support Laura Mulveys theory of the Male Gaze. A scene that shows this, is when Marv is enjoying a night with his hooker lover Goldie, and the camera is focused on Goldie and her feminine bodily assets.